Chef Annil, a culinary virtuoso who embarked on an extraordinary journey by starting his career in a culinary events company. Here, Chef Annil laid a solid foundation for his culinary prowess, immersing himself in the world of gastronomy and acquiring a profound understanding of the basics and fundamentals of the culinary arts.


Chef Annil, a culinary enthusiast with a remarkable journey in the realm of Indian cuisine. With a distinguished background in award-winning Indian restaurants, Chef Annil has embarked on an entrepreneurial path, establishing his own venture called Chemmeen. This endeavor showcased his expertise in crafting exquisite Indian dishes, garnering acclaim and a loyal following.


Never one to rest on his laurels, Chef Annilset out to revolutionize the food industry once again. Thus, Party Poori was born—a culinary creation that quickly captured the imagination of food enthusiasts, becoming an unprecedented internet phenomenon. With Party Poori, Chef Annil fused tradition and innovation, offering a delightful twist on the beloved Indian street food, captivating taste buds and igniting a social media frenzy.

Prepare to be mesmerized by the culinary prowess of Chef Annil, whose passion for Indian cuisine and unwavering dedication to creating extraordinary dining experiences have firmly established him as a visionary in the culinary world.